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The Effects of Food Advertisments

by Sofia Martins

Advertisement is something very important in every business, including the food industry. To know the influence of food ads on us there was made na experience where was saw the different behaviour between people that were exposed to food advertising and people that didn’t any any kind of exposure to ads. Throught the results of the experience it as clear to see that those who were exposed to food commercials chose more unhealthy snacks comparing to the other group fo people, which helps us understand how powerful food ads are and how they have sych strong effects on individual food choices. 

A topic very important but also concerning is child obesity, which is a serious health problem that keeps increasing. Today’s children tend to consume various types of media and spend more time on in front of digitals gadgets like computers, tablets, televisions and mobile phone, than any other activities in their lives, which means that advertising for nun-nutritious foods has a big impact in this situation.

Food companies invest billions promoting their products and use a variety of advertising and marketing techniques to influence our food choices, encouraging us to switch brands or to simply buy and eat more. Food companies use bright colours, certain angles and lighting, techniques to make the food more appelaing, they use celebrities, claims about taste and popularity, coupons, contests and giveaways and much more. 

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