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Strategies to Draw our Attention to Commercials About Food

by Diana Barros

Repetition: if the advertisement is shown various times and passes on TV, internet, radio or anywhere else every day, it will be remembered and will be easier to associate.

Colours: a commercial is much more attractive if it has brighter colours instead of darker ones. If we want to attract people and make food desirable, the colour choice is an important part.

The background music: music and the sound effects are also important because we can use music to describe a state of mind and emotions. Also, if the music is catchy, the public will remember it and associate it immediately with the product.

The products shown: The product is the ‘’protagonist’’ of the commercial and it must be in his best. The product is carefully prepared and set to be a star. After the photoshoot/ video campaign, they edit the image and use tools to make it look more captivating.

The background actions and what are people doing in the ad: The background is important because we can see the before and after of the main action; for example, in an advertisement for a new burger, before people get one they are hungry, impatient and grumpy, but right after they start eating their world becomes the perfect place and they get happy. This shows the audiences that that burger can make you happy in an instant and make you curious about its taste.

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