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We are here with a McDonald's manager in Alameda Shopping,  Jorge Sousa , Good afternoon Jorge.
Good afternoon Diana.
So let's go on with some questions: As a manager in McDonald’s, do you feel like eating in this food chain serves as a social activity in people´s lives? 
Of course, Like every other  restaurant, everything has to do with the social life, people end up eating, talking and getting to know each other. 
Do you feel like promoting McDonald’s as a family environment affects the view that children have on a healthy diet 
In relation to the healthy diet it is relative  because the children have always the option of selecting soup, fruit.. because of that, we are including an healthy diet if they want.
Do you think McDonald’s advertisements are truthful and realistic?
No, in a certain way they are not realistic neither correspond to the truth, because they are merely illustrative images, the idea is to portray a good image of the sandwich but at the end of the day the sandwich will not look the same as the one in the image or video, it will always have differences.
Is there any popular conspiracies about this company that you have heard and thought they were unrealistic?
Almost every conspiracy doesn't have a true source in relation to McDonalds, they can come from rumours from other companies.. rumours inside the public, but at the end of the day we make sure everything is controlled. So the rumours aren't actually true , no conspiracy I have heard is true and I have been working here for 14 years.
Can you give an example?
Of course I can give an example: The nuggets, when people talk about them.. when people say they are made from chicks... We, as representatives of the brand, we visit the company itself that makes the nuggets and that rumour doesn't happen at all, its actually pieces of chicken carefully selected, from the chicken breast and that is how they make them.
What is the hardest part of being a manager in such an influential food chain?
It is always hard to correspond to the expectations of the client, and that brings us always a lot of stress during our work schedule. Those are the hardest parts of representing our company.
Can you give me your opinion about how you think McDonald’s managed to achieve so much success over the years?
Of course I can. All these years were made with a lot of effort and dedication of the representatives of  McDonalds: employees as much as managers and franchisers . And that image we portray of love for our job, passes from generation to generation to the costumers .
Last question, do you think that eating and hanging out in a McDonald’s environment becomes addictive
In a certain way, "addictive" is not really what it is called, but when we eat we create a bond with others, when we spend time with other people, either studying or doing projects , we create bonds in a Mcdonald's environment. What happens is that a client comes to the restaurant do some sort of project and consumes, and that same client will end up having the memory of coming back to do some other project and consuming again as well. Of course the client comes back with friends to eat and to have fun, and he keeps coming back, so yes, in a certain way it is addictive.
We have come to the end of the interview, thank you so much Jorge for providing your time.
-Thank you too, for being able to explain myself with the objective of  maybe improving the image people have of Mcdonald's, and for being able to help you with this interview.
Thank you.

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