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How Capitalism Works in Food Companies

by Cláudia Cunha

How does something so simple in our nature as eating became the topic of so much controversy?

In the past few years we have been witnessing the so called “Late Capitalism of Fast Food”, this form of food advertising gained popularity amongst new generations of teens that engage their feelings through social media, communicating effectively using memes. Food Companies, especially fast food ones, started using that as an advantage in advertisement, focusing their online presence less on professional promotions, and more on being “relatable and savage “.

This strategy is more popular used on twitter, where major food companies often do puns with their menu items and our favorite fandoms, from Harry Potter to Game of Thrones, creativity is something that does not lack in this type of memes. Also, another strategy that is being more recently popularized, are the dramas and the “roasts” exchanged between the accounts and the audience. Many times the roast occurs between fellow food companies and that attracts attention from social media that loves to follow a good feud.

A lot of the times this kind of behavior makes us question if there are agreements between rival food companies, to start feuds to gain publicity for both parties involved. This kind of situation makes us think if the expression: “there is no such thing as bad publicity” really applies.

These food companies are very smart to use our likings and human tendencies to have a success on social media, that is basically adapting their business and marketing decisions to the modern society.

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