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How Social Media Influences our Decisions on What to Eat

by Cláudia Cunha

When it comes to food these days, the camera really “eats first “.

More and more, posting our meals on social media is a normal part of the routine for many people. This can be simply explained as a need for validation that people feel for their choices, but it can obviously also be used as an advantage for food chains. Nowadays companies really dig into all the free information they have about their public in social media, to be able to well inform their business choices, and to meet the supply and demand of the consumer.

In our current society there is all this culture of reviewing and recommending things to our friends. According to an article by James Lopez, a production manager, the images that we see of food on social media influence our choices, especially if they come from people we trust.

Inside this virtual world, we can't forget that it is in our human nature the feeling of experiencing new things and make that show to others. Therefore, it is logical that when we go to a cool restaurant and order a pleasant and aesthetically constructed dish, we tend to post that on our social media so others can see and envy our good choices. Of course, those human nature actions have consequences into those food businesses.

Aesthetically pleasing food is being more and more praised in this current media society, if we think about it, sometimes the food is not even that tasty, but if it looks good in the “insta pic“ people tend to share it and influence others to visit the restaurant that made it. Food companies know the power they have in the modern virtual society, and they are surely making the best out of the situation.

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